Prachayani Praphamontripong Kanwar is a PROPHE Collaborating scholar and recent PhD of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (currently known as Educational Policy & Leadership), University at Albany, SUNY. She received a B.Ed. 1st class honor from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and an M.S. Educational Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her expertise in Thai and Southeast Asian higher education policy focuses on important policy issues including regulations, quality, finance and access, particularly in the private sector. Kanwar has been a consultant and a seasoned school principal in Thailand. She has presented papers at PROPHE conferences in the U.S. and China and at professional conferences of the Association for the Study of Higher Education and the Comparative and International Education Society. She is a former Higher Education Specialist Staff Consultant (in-house) at the Asian Development Bank headquarters in the Philippines and currently an independent research consultant on international higher education policy.
Publications available on this website
Kanwar, Prachayani P. "Government Policies as Responses to Increased Demand for Higher Education: Experiences from Asian Private and Public Sectors," in Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation, Jongbloed, Ben W.A. and Vossensteyn, Hans, Eds., Routledge, December 2015. (
“Student Finance in Asia: Privatization amid Decisive Inter-sectoral Difference,” Student Financing of Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective, co-authored with D.C. Levy, edited by D.E. Heller and C. Callender, Routledge, forthcoming.
“Access without Equity? Private Higher Education Across Asia,” Higher Education in Dynamic Asia, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, 2012
The Role of Private Higher Education in the Philippines, co-authored with N. LaRocque, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, in progress.