Cai Yuzhuo and Fengqiao Yan (2011)“Organizational Diversity in Chinese Private Higher Education” in Pedro N. Teixeira and David D. Dill (eds.) Public Vices, Private Virtues? Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education, pp47-66, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Yan Fengqiao,“Global expansion of private higher education and relevant policy issues: based on working papers of UNESCO higher education conference in 2009”, Educational Research, pp95-101, 2010, no. 4. in Chinese.
Yan Fengqiao, Lin Jing, “Commercial Civil Society: A Perspective on Private Higher Education in China”, Frontiers of Education in China, 2010. 5(4): 558-578.
Other Activities since 2010
Research project titled “Academic profession in Chinese public and private higher education institutions”, sponsored by Ford Foundation. 2012-2014.
Research project titled “Agency, participative learning and multiple intelligence development: sustainable development of private higher education”, sponsored by Ford Foundation. 2010-2012.