The Program for Research on Private Higher Education
Dedicated to Building Knowledge about Private Higher Education around the World

Pablo Landoni

Affiliation: Professor and Academic Vice Rector, ORT (Uruguay)
Address: Av. 8 de Octubre 2738 Montevideo -URUGUAY CP 11600

Prof. Pablo Landoni is a Uruguayan researcher of higher education and a Professor and Administrator at the Catholic University of Uruguay. He earned a Masters in Public Administration from Cornell University and a Doctorate in Law and Social Sciences from the Universidad de la República (Uruguay). As an affiliated scholar of the Program for Research on Private Higher Education (PROPHE) - Department of Education Administration and Policy Studies - State University of New York at Albany, Landoni's most recent research concentrates on higher education system governance and the role of the State in the new higher education private sector. He is a Fulbright New Century Scholar in Higher Education for the years 2005 - 2006. Landoni has served as a Vice-Minister of Education of Uruguay.

Publications available on this website

New Private-Public Dynamics: Graduate Education in Uruguay2005


Publications since 2010

CIFUENTES, Jairo; LANDONI, Pablo y LLINAS, Xavier (2012) “Strategic Management in Higher Education:  Concepts and experiences from Telescopi Network in the Ibero-American region” Forthcoming

LANDONI, Pablo y MARTÍNEZ SANDRES, Fernando (2011) “Posgrados e Investigación en el Uruguay: Articulaciones y desencuentros” Montevideo, Universidad Católica del Uruguay / Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación.

LANDONI, Pablo y MARTÍNEZ SANDRES, Fernando (2011) “Posgrados e Investigación en el Uruguay: Articulaciones y desencuentros” Montevideo, Universidad Católica del Uruguay / Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación.

LANDONI, Pablo (2010) “El debate sobre la creación de una Agencia de Acreditación en Uruguay: influencias externas y tensiones internas” En Revista Argentina de Educación Superior.