The Program for Research on Private Higher Education
Dedicated to Building Knowledge about Private Higher Education around the World
  • prophe-world

    Dedicated to Building Knowledge about Private Higher Education around the World
    PROPHE - Program for Research on Private Higher Education seeks to build knowledge about private higher education around the world. PROPHE neither represents nor promotes private higher education. Its main mission is scholarship, which, in turn, should inform public discussion and policymaking. Founded in 2000, PROPHE received multiple Ford Foundation grants through 2008. It presently functions on the voluntary efforts of its members, along with indirect funding from the University at Albany. We welcome inquiries.


PROPHE is producing a book series with Routledge, THE GLOBAL REALITIES OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION. The first two volumes, issuing soon, focus respectively on Public Policy, and Asia. For further series information here.


For Details, see the website’s new Global Data.

For Notice in the Times Higher Education, see here.

For the first journal article analyzing the PROPHE dataset, see here.

Progress of Ongoing Projects

Global data: PROPHE will soon post its full longitudinal database through 2015.

See Country Data and Laws on Private Higher Education.

See contributions to International Higher Education

PHE in the NEWS: A Compilation of over 3,000 News Reports on Private Higher Education Globally.

News & Activities

CORE BOOK PUBLISHED. A WORLD OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION, director Levy’s long-awaited book with broad empirical, conceptual, comparative, and historical analysis of the world’s PHE, has just been published by the Oxford University Press.

Membership Expansion. PROPHE adds 5 scholars. See the update on the Members page.