The Program for Research on Private Higher Education
Dedicated to Building Knowledge about Private Higher Education around the World

Twelve Largest Systems’ Individual and Aggregated Private Shares 2015


Country Private % Private Enrollment Total Enrollment Rank by Total Enrollment Rank by Private Enrollment
China 13.5 5,871,139
1 3
India 57.9 18,582,259
2 1
United States 27.3 5,339,918
3 4
Brazil 73.9 6,123,120 8,285,475
4 2
Russian Federation
13.3 878,983
6,592,416 5 15
Indonesia 66.9 4,326,845
6,463,297 6 5
Turkey 7.4 447,593
6,062,886 7 21
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 41.5 1,945,407
4,685,386 8 9
Japan 78.8 3,028,302
3,845,395 9 6
56.8 2,024,583
3,563,396 10 8
Mexico 29.6 1,040,863 3,515,404 11 12
Republic of Korea 80.3 2,625,503 3,268,099 12 7
Total – Top Ten 36.9 52,234,515
Total – Global 32.2 69,789,020
Top Ten Share of Global   74.8

Source: Author compiled based on PROPHE Global Data (2015)